Sunday, May 1, 2011

Maroon 5 - Misery

People in this blog talked about men suppressing women and it reminded me of this music video.
In this music video, Adam Levine is being physically abuse by a woman and the lyrics suggests he is also being emotionally abused by the same woman.
Have you wonder that women do oppress over men too in society? It doesn't just go one way.
1)Do you think women can be very cruel and physical as shown in the video?
2)Do you think the women in a heterosexual relationship can sometimes be the one who makes the decision?
3)Do you think it is acceptable for women to hit men but not the other way around?

After reading some comments about the video, it rise up the topic about the sexual content of the media where there was a lot of inappropriate touches. I was just wondering what you guys think about the sexual content in the media today. These are some extra questions: Is it too explicit for children to watch? Do you feel uncomfortable watching it? Do you think there was a big jump from the past decade in showing more skin(especially women)?


  1. Aha! Funny video!

    Yes I do think women can be cruel and physical, there's even a book which is strictly about abused men. It's written by Philip W. Cook, named Abused Men. Also here’s another video which depicts the overpowering of females over males.

    2) If we are looking for equality between the two genders, I think that none of them should be the one who makes the decision on their own. I think it should be a mutual decision. However, these days, we see the men overpowering and making all the decision, i think that women should also have the power to do so. And i am sure that there are couples in the society where the female is the decision maker.

    3) Well no. No matter if it’s a male hitting a female or a female hitting a male, it shouldn’t be acceptable. What are you trying to prove by hitting your spouse/girlfriend/ or whatever? That you’re stronger than them? They should know that their are a million other ways in which they can do so. If they are so insecure that they need to hit someone, they should really consider going to the wrestling business, or whatever it is.

    P.S. oh and here’s the link to the Abused Men book. They show only a few pages, but it’s very knowledgeable!

    Take a look!

  2. 1) Yes women can be very cruel and physical. But I don’t think many men would tolerate abuse from women as much as women tolerate abuse from men. And I don’t think any women can be as cruel as the one shown in the video. I think she’s just pure evil. Women are known to use mind games rather than outright physical abuse in relationships.

    2) Yes, a lot of the times women do make important decision in heterosexual relationships. In fact, I’ve seen many examples where women are the more dominant ones in heterosexual relationship.

    This question reminded me of a sign I read which said “men of quality respect women’s equality”

    3) Personally I think it is not acceptable for women to hit men…but in society if a man complains that he is beaten up by his female partner its not taken as seriously. If a man complains that he gets physically abused by his female partner people will think he is a coward and can’t be a “man.” It’s a bigger issue when a male hits a female. This is partly because men are typically stronger and more aggressive than women in general. Also, when you think of a women “hitting” her male partner you would think that it’s non-threatening or playful (a small push) whereas when you think of a man hitting a women you would imagine it being more aggressive and abusive. So when a girl says “HE hit me” people will automatically think she’s going through some sort of relationship crisis even if she's not.

  3. Let me just say.. I am a HUGE Maroon 5 fan and this song is amazing, the video, pure genius! <3

    1)Do you think women can be very cruel and physical as shown in the video?
    I do think women can be as equally cruel as men are perceived to be. Like many things in the media, we, as the audience, are in a sense protected from things that aren't seen as the "norm" of what we usually see. If the roles were switched in this video and the female was being emotionally and physically abused, we would all be completely against the song itself. It's not in any way right to participate in such a unhealthy relationship like this, whether you are a male or female. But, it unfortunately does happen to both genders and this video is just one of the few blatantly obvious examples in the media of how women can be as cruel as men.

    2)Do you think the women in a heterosexual relationship can sometimes be the one who makes the decision?
    I think that women can be the ones who make the decisions in a relationship, but it all depends on the type of people that are within that relationship. Also, if one person is making all the decisions within that relationship, it isn't functioning healthily, even if things are going good. There should be a sense of equality and compromise within a relationship.

    3)Do you think it is acceptable for women to hit men but not the other way around?
    I personally think that it is not acceptable to hit men, or for men to hit women, or for a woman to hit a woman, vice versa. Physical abuse in or out of a relationship is wrong. You may physically hurt someone, but it affects them mentally and emotionally as well.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think this video is quite entertaining.

    In many movies and TV shows women are depicted as being manipulative. This video, however looks at a physically abuse woman instead of an emotionally or psychologically manipulating one.
    It fights the stereotype that women are manipulative. Although I don't agree with violence being the answer to a problem, it brings up a point that women can be just as physically abusive as men.

    Women can definitely be the controling one in the relationship because although they may not physically be that strong it depends on whether the male in her life is assertive or a 'pushover'. In an ideal relationship no one should be controling over the other. They should both be working together to negotiate something that works for both of them. Win-Win.

    I don't think it's right for any hitting at all :P Women shouldn't be hitting men, and men shouldn't be hitting women!

  6. Hahah this video exaggerates too much. It is not realistic at all! But actually it's fun to watch since it brings about the sense of subversion of gender stereotypes :)

    I wonder though, is there a woman that can actually be that strong and...violent? Though I believe that women can be cruel and strong physically but certainly not to that extend! In movies, yes, but not in reality!

    It is possible that women sometimes are the decision-makers in a heterosexual relationship. In fact, I know some couples with the woman being in charge of making decisions most of the time (if not all). This, I think, depends on the woman and the man as well. For example, if the woman is picky and the man is lazy/easy-going, well, you know what's gonna happen.

    It is NOT acceptable for either gender to hit/abuse each other. Not even women hitting men. At first this may seem not so serious or even funny (who cares about a man being bullied by a woman, is he a "man" or not?), but we should not tolerate this act since it may lead to further consequences. Of course this rarely happens because there are few men who are incapable of defending themselves but what if there's a case where the man is physically weak/wimpy and the woman is violent and aggressive?

    I remember we talked about this in class. One person said if a man hit a woman, the woman went to report it to the police then the man was in serious trouble. But if the woman slapped him in the face and he reported it to the police, he would be laughed at. Why? Maybe the woman slapped the man because he did something wrong to her. Even if she slapped him because of nothing then it would be still fine - a slap doesn't hurt much. But if she went further than that, the man had every right to defend/protect himself.

  7. I think that the video shows a girl standing up for herself when the guy touches her. Finally, something positive! Otherwise it is always shown that girls can't stand up for themselves, they are too shy, they don't have enough stamina, and so on. However, yes, women can be cruel sometimes too :). Most of the time only when they have to be! This video shows that a woman is can care and can get angry and stand up for herself. It is portraying the different abilities a woman has within her, we aren't just weak :D

    I think a woman in a heterosexual relationship can be the one who makes decisions, there is nothing wrong in that because as males know how to distinguish between right and wrong so do females. However, I prefer that both husband and wife make decisions together, this way no gender is looked at as the more dominant one.

    I do not think it is acceptable for women to hit men and vice-versa. There are ways where problems can be solved rather than getting physical and bruising each other. Though, I have a totally different view on this video as I mentioned before that I think this video is showing that women can be strong by standing up for themselves if they are bossed around. Just not as violently as the girl in this video is attacking the guy.

  8. comment by Tasnim Abukar:

    1.Yes, I think that women can be very cruel and physical but not as it is shown in the video. I think that the female in the video is over exaggerating and is vey cruel. Also, in the media we (audience) would always see men who abuse females, but you rarely see females abusing men. Here is a preview which shows how there are females who abuse men:

    2. Yes, there are a lot of women in a heterosexual relationship that are the ones who make the decision. It isn’t only men who always have to make decisions in a relationship, I guess before in the 1990s men were the decision makers since they were the breadwinner and so on, but now a lot has changed. Personally, I think that both men and females in a relationship should both be the ones who make the decisions.

    3. No, I don’t think that it is acceptable for women to hit men or the other way around. In our society I think that women are being more abusive to their men because they have the idea where men won’t react to them since they are females. I think that abuse all together is wrong whether it is a female hitting a male or the other way around, and violent actions won’t cause positive outcomes but negative ones.

  9. Yes, women can be cruel. I think that the woman shown in the video is an obvious over exaggeration but, women abuse men too. I think that it can be more difficult for men to deal with abuse. Men are often perceived as being physically stronger than woman. In many cases, if a man is abused by a woman then he may be viewed as being a ‘wimp’. In addition, if a woman reports abuse, then the male would be arrested by the police. On the other hand, if a male reported abuse, I do not think the event/report would be taken as seriously.

    In many relationships, the female has the upper hand in the decision-making process. Even when I observe my parents or my brother’s relationship with his spouse, I find that the females have authority over the men.

    Lastly, I do not condone violence of any sort within a relationship. If an individual is being abused then they should assess whether they should be in an abusive relationship. No person deserves to be abused (male or female).

  10. Yes, women can be cruel and as people said above this commercial is over exaggerated. Even in Macbeth, the character Lady Macbeth is cruel so i believe that is the good example for women being cruel. I agree with terry that we generally can not see it in real because no one cares if women abuse men. Yes, if men does something, it will be a big issue.

    Yes, in relationship, sometimes women are the ones who makes the decisions and I believe there is nothing wrong with that because it's not like men always know everything and make all decisions.

    Hmm I think for relationship there shouldn't be any violence. It's all about understanding. Life will become a hell if men and women start abusing each other. Then people prefer to stay outside their home which is not good for new generations.

  11. 1) Yes I think woman can be quite cruel sometime without even realizing it. Well at least as cruel as men can be. But in physically violent terms, well I don’t know about that, you know as always men were always stereotyped as being physically stronger than women, but in now day although they are not many there are body builder that are women, or fighter women so I’m guessing sure women or at least some exception can be physically strong and cruel, although in our media is not really showed so is showed like women should always be less strong than a male and not vice versa. There have been cases where girls actually have assaulted their peers either boys or either girls. One of my far cousins in turkey was known in her school for beating boys that would harass her.
    2) In today’s society yeah that actually does happen, you know now that women are allowed to work in any field they could be decision makers, and we have a lots of examples in our history, all the great suffragists that fought for women and men equal rights were decision makers, is thanks to this particular property found in women that some equality between sexes has been reached.
    3) To me this is more like a moral issue, you know again according to the old fashion way a man is not supposed to hit a woman. But it has to do with more like who is weak and who is strong, hitting a girl is as bad as a child because they are weaker than you and a man doesn’t hit the weak. But again if a girl is stronger than him it is equally bad and in this case but humiliating as well because you know stereotypes suggest that he should be stronger than her.

  12. 1) Women can definitely be very cruel, but possibly not so physical as I cannot imagine such a scenario. The reason being we associate women, especisally their gender role, with a soft, loving nature that is essential for a mother. In Indian soap operas and sitcoms, a woman is portrayed as the antagonist quite often. They are cruel, but not physical. The example shapes up my interpretation of the question. However, I believe women could be physical in extreme cases.

    2) Yes, women in a hetereosexual relationship can sometimes be the one who makes the decision. In some marriages or relationships, the women are the dominant ones. There is a possibility that the male counterpart does not want to disappoint their female partner. What I mean is some husbands or boyfriends are so nice that they let their wives and girlfriends control matters. I have seen many such cases. Moreover, women in heterosexual relationships, have household power meaning they control the kitchen; what is to be cooked and what is good for the family (that is their job in most families or relationships, but the credit still goes to them for having control). They also decide (in a family more so) when everyone goes to sleep; organizes the family, basically with a routine. As an outlier in some cases, they might make very important decisions such as when is the time to buy a house or what type of house, when to have children or even when to marry, if the couple is unmarried yet.

    3) I think it is unacceptable in both cases (men hitting women or vice-versa). Hitting your partner is outrageous and it does not do good for anyone. On the other hand, talking it out and resolving a problem through a thoughtful conversation is much more helpful. When matters get worse and out of hand; there is no way out, then the couple should just break apart for the better of two.

  13. I would also like to say that in correspondence with Ergyn, women are given more freedom these days. Women are allowed to work in most of the families outside the household. The freedom would enable them to make more important, influencing decisions.

  14. 1. Yes. On average, however, I think that women are less prone to physically abusing their partner

    2. Yes. In the past the "man of the house was the sole breadwinner and descision maker in the family. Nowadays descision making is somewhat equal. Some stereotypes even cast women as controlling their husband and deciding everything.

    3. Kind of. In most cases, if a woman punches a man full force, she will do a relatively small amount of damage. If a man punches a woman full force, he will do major damage. So, the same action is not as bad if done by a women. If both sexes do the same amount of harm, however, the actions are equal.

  15. 1. Yes i believe that women can be cruel. Whether it is emotionally hurting a male and breaking his heart to actually hurting him physically. There are women out in the world that would do anything just for money, for example gold diggers. There are the type of women that go after men for money and when they get what they want, they break the person's heart and going after someone they actually care about.

    2. Yes, I believe that women can make decisions in a heterosexual relationship. There are most scenario's when the male doesn't know what to do, so he gets his wife to make the decisions for him. An example of this is when the husband is buying clothes, the wife would usually decide whether something looks good on her husband or it looks bad. ALso the women in the relationship can be the "Man of the house" as she could be making more than the husband, allowing her to have a superior input to what goes on in the family.

    3. I believe that hitting a spouse is completely unacceptable. As physical abuse should not be happening in any relationship as it is wrong. Someone can get hurt and they can be injured and not be able to work. If there is a problem in the family, i believe that it is always good to talk it out rather than hit the other person. That is why we have ears, so we can listen to what the spouse has to say. So in any scenario, i dont think the husband or wife should be hitting their spouse.

  16. I do think women can be cruel and physical as shown in the video. The media often shows women going through domestic violence but what about men? Men do go through domestic violence and many of them do not come forward because they are ashamed. These men must get protection by seeking help. I know domestic violence is not as popular as it is with women but they also need to have support groups just like women do.
    Yes, women also can be the ones who make most of the decision or have more say in the relation than the guy. I think men often have more say in a relationship when the female is not as educated as the men and so she is dependent on the guy, which makes him more dominant than the female. Women, who do have more say in relationships, tend to be more educated than their boyfriends/husbands and I do not think there is anything wrong with that as long as the women is paying attention to the man’s need and is not using her education to overpower him. I believe relationships are most successful when both couples are equally educated. I do not think it is okay for a woman to hit a man or vice versa, because no one has the right to be physically violent to anyone, that is against the law and it is considered to be a crime since the person is abusing the individual.

    But, I do feel like people's reaction toward a man hitting a woman than a woman hitting a man is much worse and I think it is because men are seen as the "stronger ones" and so if they hit a woman they are considered to be cowards since they raised their hands on a female but when a female does the same it is not really seen as something as bad as it was seen for the male. I think it is more shocking to hear about such situations because they are so rare or because we do not often hear such stories as much as we hear women being abused (not being abusive). Also, I think people might try to justify the woman's action by saying that he must have done something to her and so she had to fight back etc. I know that some people might justify the male for his actions by saying that the female must have done something which made him mad and caused him to be violent. However, I feel that a woman is more justified for her abusive actions than a male.

    reminded me of this video.


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