Thursday, May 5, 2011

Funny Racist Commercial

What was your impression after watching this video?
Is this video a good depiction of what is going on in the real world?
How would you handle such a situation (in your unique way)

In the real world, all black people are portrayed as being aggressive because of what we hear in the media about some of their violent reaction toward others and acting a bit irrational compared to other race in public. Due to this, parents advice their children not to mingle with them; the black people. Also these parents make sure they fmove away from black people when they come across them. Normally by going the opposite direction. I was trying to address such an issue once and for all because i have been discriminated against more than once in my building by a different race who found me to be fearful. "NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE EVIL"


  1. 1. Isaac I actually found this video to be similar to Abdiweli's video. I actually laughed at both videos because of the old lady's reaction. When she saw the man approaching her, she got scared and started grabbing her purse.

    2. I find this to be a true thing about the real world, as most white women are afraid when they see a black male approaching them. People usually believe what they see on television causing them to react in real life. So the encoutner of the old lady and the black man is actually happening in real life. So i do believe that the video shows a good depicition of what is going in the real world.

    3. If i was the one that the old lady was being afraid of, i would scare her for a little laugh and than talk to her. I would want to talk to her so that she doesn't make the same mistake in the near future. This is because if she would do this again, people would create a stereotype about white women and how they always clinch a purse when they see a black man. So in conclusion i would talk to the old lady and tell her to stop her actions as I am a harmless person.

  2. At first, I felt really sorry for the guy sitting on the bench because the lady was being very racist to him. It can be very hurtful and offensive to see someone react differently to you just because you do not have the same skin tone. You can tell by the woman’s action, such as her moving away from the guy and moving her purse to the other side that she considers him to be someone who might bring danger to her and even steal her purse. This still happens in today’s society; however, it also can be the other way around. A black person can be racist to a white person too. Black people are not always the victim. Also, the last part when he scares the lady off really made me laugh a lot. I found it to be hilarious! To be honest, if I was in his position I would not scare the lady off the way he did, but I would probably just ignore the lady or maybe even move away because I would not want to be sitting beside someone who is so racist and hope that maybe the person realizes what he was doing wrong. If this was happening and I was a white female then I would sit beside him purposely and try to make a conversation with him to show the old lady that you cannot judge someone by their color and what she was doing was really wrong.

  3. Alot like my video, this was funny. This does happen in the real world but it is not how I would act, the way I would handle the situation is just to walk away and ignore it. Ignorant people like that do not deserve attention. Just move on with your day.

  4. This video is hilarious!! My impression/reaction to the video: That lady has issues, some serious issues. Like honestly, she’s judging a person based on his skin color? That way, all black people are bandits, ale white people are priests and all brown people are terrorists. WOW. I completely agree with you Isaac when you said that not all black people are evil, I would just like to add to that and so no one is evil. Yes, black colored skin people can be scary if they are really tall and nicely built, but that doesn’t mean they are out there to kill you.

    Yes I do believe that this video is a fairly good depiction of reality. A few of my friends start to act up and get scared when they see a black skinned person across the road! All I can do at that time is laugh at their stupidity just like I laughed at the white lady in the video!

    I wouldn’t mind sitting next to black person. I have black friends who are really nice! Some of them are even better than the people of my own community!


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